
準備 - 安排行程日期 / Preparation - Itinerary Planning (Dates)

先預定一個出發日期,然後計畫在每個城市待多久,只要把出發日期+天數就是下一個的到達日期。用我的例子來說: 我們預定在2/3/2011從Newport Beach出發(C2),我們預定當天到達Phoenix (B3=C2)  在Phoenix待1天(C3=B3+1), 然後離開Phoenix 當天到達Grand Canyon (B4=C3), 如此類推。。。假設我把出發日期(C2)改了,我們計畫在每個城市花的時間不變,日期就會自動更新
It's very important to know the exact dates when planning your itinerary, especially a long RTW trip. You can book your tickets, hotels in advance, and you can check out the weather, special festival of the countries you are visiting. I previously introduced benefits of using Google Doc. Here, I will show you how to use simple formula to accomplish this mission!
First of all, set the date you are leaving. Then plan how many days you will spend in each city. Add them up, you will get the arrival date of next city. For example, we are leaving from Newport Beach on 2/3/2011 (Cell C2). We plan to arrive Phoenix the same day (B3=C2). We will spend 1 day in Phoenix (C3=B3+1). We will leave Phoenix and arrive Grand Canyon the same day (B4=C3), etc.... If I changed the departure date (C2), and we are still spending the same amount of days in each city, the date will be automatically updated.

