
旅途上-犹他州的锡安峡谷国家公园/On the Road - Zion Canyon National Park, UT

锡安峡谷国家公园 (2/9/2011)
跟大峡谷相比,锡安峡谷就逊色多了。锡安峡谷主要是看水,在水中徒步。我们去的时候是冬天,水都结冰了,公园把路也封了,只好去山上逛逛。我们一口气爬了差不多1000公尺,从山脚爬到山顶。值得一提的是,虽然山路很陡,却修得非常好,路很宽平。我们徒步的山路名字叫Angels Landing Trail. 意思是天使降落的山路。最后一段是在悬崖边需要拉着铁链爬上去。回去路上碰到很多小鹿在马路中间乱穿,所有车子都得停下来让路。它们倒大大方方在走,还回头看一下镜头。太可爱了!
Zion Canyon National Park (2/9/2011)
Zion is less attractive comparing to the Grand Canyon. The main place to go is observation point, where you have to walk in the water as part of the hike. We went there in winter, all the pools are frozen, the park closed the trail so we can only visit mountain top. We hiked about 1000 feet from the bottom to the top. It's a strenuous hike, but the trail itself is maintained very well. The road is wide and flat, nicely paved. The trail we went is called "Angels landing trail". The last part of the trail requires you to hold on to the chain and walk along the cliff. (Scary...!) On our way back, there were lots of mule deer crossing the road. All the cars had to stop and wait. One of deers turned its head and smiled at the camera. Cute :)

阳光明媚/Enjoying the sun


抓着铁链/Grab the chain

很陡/ So steep

山顶还是有积雪/Icy roads

回程途中/Hiking back

我们走的山路/Angels Landing Trail

说茄- 子- / Say Cheesssseee

一堆小鹿过马路/Group of mule deers

